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1  SMF support forum / SMF for free Codes / Quick Reply Tutorial on: October 26, 2009, 01:51:27 am
I'm sorry if this topic doesn't belong here, but this topic maybe helpful.

First, go to the Admin tab.

Second, 'Theme and Layout Settings'

Third, go to the tab 'Reset Options'

Fourth, in the first section of, 'SMF Default Theme - Core', go to ""Reset default (guest) options for this theme (16 options currently set.)""

Fifth, Scroll down, and when you see, 'Use quick reply on topic display: ' Press the down arrow looking thing, and do 'show on, by default.


There you go, your ALL done.
2  General Stuff / Forum Games / The 'Word' Game on: October 26, 2009, 01:30:49 am
Okay, here are the rules,
you gotta say one word per post so that, it makes a sentence out of each post, ill start first.

3  General Stuff / General Chat / Rules for the board of General Chat on: October 26, 2009, 01:27:03 am
The rules are always to be followed or never broken, or you will face the consequences.

1. There is no swearing, spamming, gossiping, disrespecting staff.

2. Do NOT EVER try to hack this Board, or the forums.

3. I will add more later, i need to think of more.

4  The Blue Crew / The Blue forum Announcements / Re: The Blue Forums are officially opened! on: October 26, 2009, 01:14:48 am
Thanks, i enjoy it here.
5  General Stuff / General Chat / Re: Whats your favourite Youtube vid? on: October 24, 2009, 05:10:41 am
My favorite video on Youtube is this because it is very touching and i thought this might be a very good video, GOOD LUCK to the people competing against me, this is a VERY touching video.

Thanks, Nevada.
["Why Was i born?"]

6  The Blue Crew / The Blue Crew Sectional Moderator Applications / Nevada's Sectional Moderator Application on: October 24, 2009, 05:06:31 am
1. What Board do you want to be mod for?
I Would like to be a Moderator for Board, General Chat

2. How well do you think you will do as a sectional mod?
I think i can be really good because, in the past, i have been a very good staff member on other forums, i have owned my own forums before and i have a lot of experience in staff.

3. What is a Sticky?
A Sticky is something that always shows at the top of the board, you can post in it, but it will never go down the list, it always stays at the top.

4. Any Extra Information:
I am very experienced as a staff member, so there will be no worries to the board that you are giving me, i will not let anything get out of hand, as i will watch the board carefully and all of the other boards, i will follow the rules, help other players, will not let anybody break the rules, or anything bad happen. I am a MASTER Coder of these forums, so if you need a coder and someone to watch over your forums, i am here to try out for it.

5. How much Experience do you have as a sectional mod?
I am VERY experienced as a Moderator, i am really experienced as a Administrator, but it just makes it easier for me, I have been staff on many other forums, and helpped there forums to be just as good as this one.

I hope i get it. =]

Thanks for reading,
7  The Blue Crew / The Blue forum Announcements / Re: The Blue Forums are officially opened! on: October 24, 2009, 04:56:40 am
Woot, Nice=]
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